Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

For Earth Day this year we wanted to incorporate technology since the students love being "producers" so much. I came up with the idea for the students to come up with Public Service Announcements about the environment. We used the iPads to take video and pictures to put together in iMovie and create their very own PSA! First the students were introduced to the idea of what exactly a PSA is and what makes a good one. We watched a few examples that displayed the idea of K.I.S. (Keep It Simple!) and we're short and sweet. Students were then sent home with the task of brainstorming concerns they had about the environment and possible messages they could convey in their PSA from those concerns. The next day they were grouped and had to share their ideas and pick ONE idea to pursue. They worked compassionately and collaboratively to make a fair decision before starting to fill out a storyboard for their movie and write their scripts. Here is a sample finished product. Hope you enjoy!