Monday, January 13, 2014

Roald Dahl Author Study Part Deux

For final projects for the author study we did group reading projects for Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me, and George's Marvelous Medicine. The entire class also did an additional project for the whole class read, The Magic Finger.

Below you will see the finished product for the group project for my reading group that read Fantastic Mr. Fox. The students first completed the story map in the shape of the fox. Each person had a part of the story map to fill out (character descriptions, setting, problem, solution and conclusion). They then pulled out their favorite parts including wacky phrases and figurative language to add around the images of the scenery from the book. I was so proud of the collaboration that I saw when this team was planning and putting together this project. They were respectful to each other and listened and gave compliments to their teammates at every turn.

For The Magic Finger I created an image of the cover of the book that I could drop the kids' pictures into and then asked them to journal what they would use their "magic finger" for if they had one.

Model I wrote to show students what was expected
for The Magic Finger project.

Invitation to parents for our Roald Dahl Author's Celebration!
Additionally, to wrap up the month long author study we threw a Roald Dahl Author's Celebration. We watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which was our snack time read aloud) in our pajamas and ate popcorn. We had a pizza and ice cream sundae party at lunch and recess time. Finally, we invited parents into the classroom to take a tour of all the splendiferous Roald Dahl projects the kids worked on: 3M's Gobblefunk Dictionary, Individual Book Projects, Figurative Language Flip Books, an iMovie trailer of all things Dahl and book blogs using to highlight their favorite Dahl book!

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